I am a clinical psychologist licensed in California(PSY30511). I earned my PhD in Clinical Child Psychology in 2015 at The Graduate Center for Child Development and Psychotherapy at the Reiss-Davis Child Study Center in Los Angeles. I have a B.A. from Cornell University and an M.A. from Stanford University. Prior to my study of psychology, I earned a Master’s degree in architecture and I worked in the field of design and visual art.
I spent four years as a post-doctoral fellow in clinical psychology at the Reiss-Davis Child Study Center at Vista del Mar in Los Angeles. During this time I worked in the outpatient clinic providing weekly or biweekly psychodynamic psychotherapy services to clients aged 3-18+ with a wide variety of challenges including anxiety, depression, mood disorders, conduct disorders, social difficulties, obsessions, perfectionism, adaptation to divorce or loss of a family member and other difficulties or childhood traumas. In all of my cases, I also worked with the parents to support them in working toward their child’s growth and recovery. In addition, my fellowship included intensive academic study of child psychotherapy and parenting techniques as well as the role of early attachment and the brain in a child’s development.
I completed my doctoral dissertation in 2015. This was a study entitled Intrusive Imagery as Experienced by Depressed Adolescents and Young Adults. I explored in depth the effects of intrusive imagery on my subjects, and whether the content of these images was affected by the severity of the depression. My study included an analysis of the descriptions of the intrusive thoughts as images, and codification and analysis of significant themes.

Psychotherapy is fundamentally a human relationship. A kind, nonjudgmental, and supportive relationship. I have designed my office as a place where you can talk openly and honestly in a personal and confidential setting. We will work together to understand and make changes to the thoughts and behaviors that may be holding you back from feeling your best. This is therapy designed specifically for your needs, an active collaboration between the two of us.
I am a member of the following professional organizations:

American Psychological Association (APA)

Los Angeles County Psychological Association (LACPA)

International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology (IAPSP)